Marketing Digest

Who’s Consuming Your Content? Nobody? Here’s Why…

Are You Utilizing Dynamic Content?

What’s the last piece of content that you created to engage your customers or prospects?  A whitepaper or an e-book? Perhaps an infographic?

Pull it out, let’s take a look at it.  Is it general and meant to be consumed by anyone who visits your site or opens your email? Is it simply curated content that is automatically placed on your website? Is it something you’d be interested in if you were the recipient?  Or do you think it matters?

If you’re in charge of marketing for your organization and you’re not incorporating dynamic content into your marketing campaigns, you could be missing out on as much as 18x more revenue for your business. Add a little lead nurturing and increase your sales opportunities even more!

Dynamic content allows you to add content when certain conditions are met. The content changes based on the recipient’s behavior, interests, and other factors.  It gives marketers the opportunity to optimize their sales funnels by showing prospects the right content at the right time. Plus, it is one of the best ways to put all the data you’re collecting to work. It is one of the most popular features of Marketing Automation, and it is easy to see why. Dynamic content has the potential to conversion-optimize your site search as well. It is commonly used to make special recommendations based on purchases or on the page views of your visitors.

Dynamic content gives you the ability to make customer-driven content that’s dynamically added to your site. It becomes an important source of information for your visitor and helps you gather as much information about your visitor so that you can make offers and help them through their journey to purchase.

About Dynamic Content

Did you know that nearly 74% of visitors are actually frustrated with websites that don’t deliver personalized content?  In other words, if someone visits your site about dog breeding and the ads, offers, and promotions have nothing to do with their interests, it can be a bit annoying.

If you’re not using dynamic content to engage your visitors, you might be spreading your net too wide. It’s like throwing spaghetti at the ceiling to see what sticks (an old Army trick we used to check if the spaghetti was done). Basically, it means that you are probably wasting money and time creating “one size fits all” marketing content.  No wonder your conversions are low and your email open rate sucks!

To work, dynamic content needs to be related to your audience and the desired conversion. Utilizing dynamic email content to produce a more personalized experience can boost customer satisfaction, loyalty, and your bottom line.

A Hidden Gem of Dynamic Content

Think about this- 90% of the time, your website visitors are not at the “buying” stage of their journey.  Think about when you go to your favorite store just to see what they have or what’s new.  As you are absorbed in the details and looking around, a salesperson asks, “can I help you find something?” As with most people, your response is “No thanks, I’m just looking”.  Think of this scenario when a visitor lands on your site. (If you’re using marketing automation in your business, you’ll know what piece of content drove them to this point).

In many cases, when someone visits your business online, they’re “just looking” and, as attention spans decrease every more and more, they soon abandon their search and move on to something else. With retargeting (or remarketing, as some call it), your visitor is tagged and when they go to other non-related websites, they are shown relevant ads based on the webpages they visited on your website. During their return visit to your website, you offer exclusive bits of content, offers or promotions unique to that visitor.

For example, let’s say your site is all about marketing for attorneys.  You have a page dedicated to marketing attorney practices using webinars.  Your visitor clicked and hung out on that specific page.  When that visitor checks their Facebook page, for instance, they’ll see ads related to marketing webinars for attorneys. When they return to your website, they’ll see rich content, offers or promotions about webinar marketing.  For ecommerce, that content could be based around the specific product they viewed. All offsite ads encourage the visitor to return to the website to finish their buy and includes images of the products left behind.

Using Dynamic Content in Email Marketing

Using Dynamic content in email marketing campaigns can improve your email open rate by more than 20% in some cases. In our attorney example above, let’s say you had a piece of content that the visitor downloaded.  You captured the name and email and now you can begin sending relevant email messages to that prospect.

Once you’ve collected relevant data about your visitor (such as their name, location, which pages they visited, etc.), use the data to swap out sections of your email messages or landing pages to target that visitor personally. Creating dynamic content as a part of your marketing campaigns is a simple, yet powerful way to connect with your visitors and show them quickly that you have the information they need.

With segmentation in place, you can use dynamic content to educate your prospect and increase open rates because you know that the recipient is interested in what you have to say.  You can change the content based on the recipient’s location, their industry, or even browsing history.

Dynamic content can be a life saver for your business.  It helps you build a list of qualified prospects who will engage and consume the information you provide to help them through their journey. Every prospect should be seen as an individual who has unique questions that need to be answered.  If you find a way to give them the answers they seek, you will reap the benefits when they reach the purchase stage of their buyer’s journey.

