Marketing Digest

Tips to Successfully Measure Your Content Marketing

Important Metrics to Help You Measure Your Content Marketing

Top marketers agree that executing the right content marketing strategies can help companies gain new customers, increase conversions, and grow their businesses. But unless marketers establish clear-cut and measurable goals, they cannot clearly demonstrate how successful their strategies have been for the business.

This is where content marketing metrics come in. Sustainable success doesn’t usually happen overnight, regardless of the tactics marketers have implemented in their marketing campaigns. Knowing when a strategy is working is undoubtedly essential, especially for marketers who have established goals for a specific time frame. When executed and monitored correctly, content marketing initiatives can yield more successful results.

The Importance of Goal-Setting

“Before you can decide whether a marketing strategy or tactic is working well or not, you need to know what you are trying to accomplish,” Armando Roggio (@armandoroggio) wrote in an article that appeared on Practical Ecommerce (@PracticalEcomm).

Roggio encouraged marketers to identify their goals before they try to measure their content marketing initiatives. He emphasized, “In fact, you need to know what your business goals are before you start to create content so that your content can be tailored, if you will, toward success.”

What do you want to accomplish in a period of four months? In a period of one year? The first step to know whether you’re actually hitting the bull’s-eye is to understand your objectives. In his article, Roggio mentioned the importance of establishing SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goals, and how breaking these objectives into dependencies could help marketers effectively measure their content performance. [See Figure 1]

Figure 1 (Source: Practical Ecommerce)

If your content aligns with these goals, you’ll be able to measure the impact where you need to see impact, with the help of some important metrics.

Measuring the Success of Your Content Marketing

Once you’ve established the objectives and components of your content marketing plan, the next step is to determine which metrics you will use in order to accurately define the success of your content marketing.

Listed below are some of the metrics recommended by Jay Bear of Convince & Convert (@convince):

Apart from these four, several other metric categories with their associated KPIs were mentioned to further help marketers monitor their content marketing. These include their total reach, engagement, and conversions. Figure 2 show more metric categories with their corresponding KPIs.

Figure 2 (Source: Practical Ecommerce)

What metrics do you use to measure your content marketing? How often do you analyze the impact of your strategy?

