Marketing Digest

Social Marketing Tips on Boosting Your Social Media Marketing Strategy


Social Marketing Tips on Boosting Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

When it comes to marketing a brand online, marketers should never underestimate the power of social media. This platform is an effective way of helping brands gain new followers and turn them into loyal customers. To achieve this, marketers need to add fuel to their social media marketing strategies by producing high-quality content and utilizing image tagging.

What Makes Content of High Quality?

In an article for Forbes (@Forbes) titled “The 12 Essential Elements Of High-Quality Content, Jayson DeMers states that producing high-quality content should be what all savvy marketers strive for, as these are what the audiences and search engine giants are looking for. Great content not only helps a site rank well in Google, but also attracts quality inbound links naturally. Furthermore, it also helps brands build trust and credibility with their audience.

What makes content of high quality, then? DeMers summarized Google’s leaked Quality Raters Guidelines and Webmaster Guidelines and unearthed hidden gems that marketers can put to heart. For one, high-quality content is also factually correct and well-written content, meaning that it’s organized in a logical way and contains no grammatical or spelling errors.

Superior content are also those that are supplemented with images, infographics, video embeds, or any type of media. This is due to the fact that visual content is more effective in attracting inbound links and engagement compared to text-only content. More importantly, high-quality content are those that attract (and encourage) social media shares.

Image Tagging and Social Media Shares

As mentioned earlier, visual content outperforms text-only content in attracting more followers. Thus, according to Brett Relander, visual marketing has become a critical component of reaching out to target audiences. In his article for Entrepreneur (@Entrepreneur) titled “3 Steps to Boost Your Social-Media Marketing With Image Tagging, boosting the power of visual marketing through image tagging can be of vital importance when it comes to social media marketing.

Relander also shared helpful social marketing tips on using image tagging. Aside from researching high traffic and relevant keywords, marketers can also leverage hashtags that are currently trending on social media. Images that use trending hashtags have a greater chance of reaching their target audience, as long as it’s being used in the proper context.

Marketers can also use tools, like Fyuse, to make image tagging easier. Done properly, image tagging provides incredible value to images and attract more likes, shares, and retweets on social media. It also helps to keep track of the latest social marketing news from trusted sources like Marketing Digest.


