Marketing Digest

Reputation Marketing News for You: Smart Tips for Reputation Marketers


Few things can make or break a company the way an online reputation can, and positive brand recognition is one part of ensuring that a company remains well-regarded. To get this result, you’ll want to implement an effective reputation management strategy. Doing this means reading up on the latest reputation marketing news being offered by sites like Marketing Digest. After all, who better than the experts to ensure your rep stays good?


Advice on Taking the First Steps

An article by Forbes (@Forbes) staff writer Susan Adams has a few sound reputation marketing tips. Her piece outlines the first six steps that companies should take when managing their online reputation. The first step is the easiest. You just open a browser window and Google your company. The first page results will usually be what anyone looking for your company will find. These results can change though, so setting up a Google alert to notify you of future changes is a good idea.

The next step is for you to register your domain name. Controlling it ensures that no one else can hijack it. Thirdly, consider creating a central website to place all of the content about your company. This lets people find you easily. Fourth, create a social media presence. A good way to ensure a good reputation is to present an approachable face to the public, which social media does for you. Fifth, you’ll need to optimize your presence on the Internet to get better visibility. Finally, you should mark things that need to be private, but be prepared for them to go public. Embarrassing photos of yourself can be bad for your rep so keep them hidden.


Solidify Your Strategy

Another article by contributor Drew Hendricks for Inc. (@Inc) goes deeper and starts suggesting ways to bolster your current reputation marketing strategy. For one, you can encourage customer reviews because a company making claims and indulging in self-promotion is considered biased. Reviews are more neutral and trustworthy, helping customers make comparisons between different sides both claiming to be the best choice. Even negative reviews can be helpful if you respond to them appropriately; they highlight the fact that you are open to criticism and feedback.

Building your reputation will go a long way to ensuring its growth. Get all the help you can by keeping yourself updated with the latest news and developments in the field.


