Marketing Digest

Reputation Marketing Insights: The Growing Value of Online Reputation

Reputation Marketing Insights: The Growing Value of Online Reputation

Most entrepreneurs might wonder how bigger companies were able to establish their brands, and might glean inspiration from these giants. Marketers, however, are able to suggest that branding small businesses simply means managing their own online reputation. In today’s competitive business market, online reputation is something that can make or break a brand.

People Buy from People

In an article in the Guardian titled Why your reputation is key to your brand, building an online reputation is all about creating a human presence for a business. Quoting personal branding expert Jennifer Holloway, the article suggests that small businesses can take advantage of presenting a human side for a business when it comes to branding, which can also build trust among their target audience.

Fortunately for marketers, focusing on personal branding and building a positive online reputation doesn’t call for a vast budget nor difficult and technical strategies. According to Holloway, businesses simply have to present the best versions of themselves to both loyal and potential customers alike.

A Brand’s Reflection

Hannah Martin, co-founder and editorial director of Talented Ladies Club, also shared her own reputation marketing insights in the Guardian article. She suggests that marketers should help businesses find three words that best describe themselves. These words can be used as a starting point in any strategy marketers may have in mind. Martin explained that what businesses do, say, write, or produce reflects a business’ personal brand, thus marketers must guide them on making decisions about what their brand is and what they want to be known for.

Managing Reputation on Social Media

Another article on Memeburn, titled Personal branding and reputation management: what you need to know, presents social media as an effective vehicle in driving communication online. Using top social media channels are also effective methods for personal branding, something that marketers can take advantage of.

Creating Facebook and Twitter profiles for businesses should be at the top of any marketer’s must-do list. Updated Facebook profiles tend to rank well on search engines, thus marketers should add as many fields as possible to make it clear on what type of business the brand has. Aside from these two platforms, LinkedIn is also an indispensable part of any reputation marketing strategy and a great way of gaining personal rankings on search engines. Marketers should also create and upload the profile image for all the brand’s social media channels.

With the growing importance of online reputation among businesses big and small, marketers should do their best to create a positive presence for their brands by following these tips and keeping up-to-date with the latest reputation marketing news from sources like Marketing Digest.

