Razor-Sharp Marketing Ideas: Review of Delta Air Lines New Meme-Packed Flight Safety Video
Video: (Source: Delta Air Lines YouTube page)
The Company: Delta Air Lines (@Delta)
The Video: The Internetest safety video on the Internet, Delta Air Lines latest safety video
How They are Marketing: Humor with Memes
(Note: Memes are defined as an activity, concept, catchphrase, or behavior that spreads within a culture due to mimicry and excessive sharing.)
Target Audience: The casual YouTube viewer, Delta Air Lines passengers,
Quick Run-through: Delta released its latest safety video in May 2015, and added humorous references to some of YouTubes most memorable memes, like the Annoying Orange, Keyboard Cat, and the boys of the Charlie Bit My Finger video.
Ninja Trick: The video ad uses characters that pretty much anyone who watches videos on YouTube can relate to. As the video did not post names, this left an open loop in the minds of viewers.
Subtle Message: The flight steward says, Relax and enjoy your flight. Delta is telling you that flying can be as fun and relaxing as watching YouTube videos, as long as you observe the airlines safety rules.
Marketing Ideas You Can Use:
- Speak directly to your audience using a unique approach: Delta knew that posting this video on YouTube would lead to a viral hit because they understand the YouTube audience. While it is a bit long, we have to remember that this is a safety video. I can only assume that Delta will be playing this video on their planes. Take note that they are still using the same words from their safety message, but they are using the language of humor and images to communicate. Find a way to communicate to your audience in a way that speaks directly to them. You could use text messages, photos, videos, or something entirely unique to your setting.
- Take it one step further if you want your audience to interact: Delta could have ended the video after the announcement. However, they added the blender guy at the end and blended up parts of the video. This encourages viewers to interact by leaving comments, sharing the video, or watching til the end to see if there are any related videos they could click and watch. I bet they used footage theyd recorded and did not use in the final cut. Why not use your extra video shots to create something interesting for your audience? People love to see outtakes and behind the scenes shots!
- Make references to pop culture phenomena: Granted, Delta went a little overboard trying to add as many memes as they could in this one video; however, there is a lesson here for marketers. Tap into pop culture phenomena if you want to gain peoples attention. I saw many companies, celebrities, and ordinary Joes shooting videos for the Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014. Look for trending ideas, and see if you can find something that fits the culture and message of your company. Choose one strong idea and make it an integral part of your marketing campaign this year.
We can learn a lot by analyzing other marketers campaigns. Marketing techniques from companies of all shapes and sizes can help our businesses grow if we learn to apply their tactics. You can take just one of the ideas from this multi-million dollar company and use it to help you rise above your competitors.
Keep in mind, if you are doing what everyone else in your industry is doing, youll probably never stand out. Take one of the aforementioned techniques and apply it to your business this week.
Note: If you would like me to review any video ads you have seen, drop me a note and I will see about adding it to our list.
Lyle Huddlestun
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