Marketing Digest

Practical PPC Tips for Succeeding In the Healthcare Marketing Industry


Practical PPC Tips for Succeeding In the Healthcare Marketing Industry

As many healthcare marketers would attest, pay-per-click (PPC) ads are among the most powerful and profitable ways to direct targeted and high-quality traffic to your clients’ websites. When implemented correctly, PPC campaigns can be very lucrative for the healthcare industry, especially for private practices. Whether your clients are pediatricians or general physicians, it is important to remember that many prospective patients today find their doctors online.

People use search engines to search for medical practitioners who’re located nearby and read online reviews. Hence, it is extremely beneficial for your clients’ practice if it can be easily found by prospective patients online. Even so, running a successful PPC campaign isn’t limited to creating a website and choosing the right keyword phrases with the most persuasive calls to action. A WordStream article (@WordStream) outlines some useful PPC tips that are designed to help healthcare marketers convert clicks into actual patients.

Listed below are some of those tips:

Understand your target audience – Having due cognizance of your clients’ target audience is the first step toward achieving an effective PPC marketing campaign. This will give you a clear idea of the optimized keywords, ad texts, and possible landing pages that would appeal to the people searching for your clients’ services.

Make sure your mobile strategy is excellent – The majority of web users today access the Internet using their smartphones and tablets, so your ads must be optimized for mobile devices. This is extremely useful in emergency situations as patients (or possibly concerned bystanders) may simply whip out their phones and search for specific medical services.

Mobile ads and PPC landing pages are preferable nowadays if you hope to make an impact with your marketing campaigns.

Contact information should be readily accessible – Potential patients in need of your clients’ services cannot be treated over the Internet. Therefore, your clients’ contact info should be easily obtainable. If possible, include it in all the landing pages of your ad campaigns for optimal visibility.

Another article from WordStream suggests that healthcare marketers need to fully understand how medical practitioners find their clients, as well as take care not to fluff their clients’ ads with too many marketing terminologies. After all, what people really want are practical solutions to their health problems, not wade through secondary information.

To learn more actionable PPC marketing tips and brush up on PPC news, make sure to regularly browse informative online publications, like Marketing Digest.


