Mobile Marketing
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Nerdy and Quirky

The Remarkable Story of Instagram
On July 16, 2010, Kevin Systrom was on vacation in Mexico when he snapped a photo of a dog along with the foot of his girlfriend. This photo was uploaded to his brand new app…

Phablet Sales and Usage Projected to Increase Dramatically
Studies Project Marked Increase in Phablet Sales and Usage Over the Next Few Years Travel to any corner of the globe and youll witness how ubiquitous smartphones, tablets, and phablets have become. According to a…

Twitter Introduces App Tracking to Drive Better Targeted Advertising
Twitter Rolls Out App Tracking for iOS and Android Users Twitter has been making improvements to its advertising platform to enhance user experience. It started with an algorithm that allowed tweets from people users dont…

Report: 48.51% of Emails Were Opened on Smartphones in Q3 2014
New Study: Most Emails Opened on Smartphones, with iOS taking the Lead Smartphones and tablets have profoundly changed the way we communicate and work. In fact, recent studies confirm what you probably already suspectthat more…

New Study Reveals Mobile’s Vital Role in Consumers’ Purchase Decisions
3rd Annual U.S. Mobile Path-to-Purchase Study Reveals How Important Mobile has become to Consumers Purchase Decisions The 3rdAnnual U.S. Mobile Path-to-Purchase Studywhich was released today by xAd (a global leader in location-based mobile advertising) and…

comScore’s New Study Examines the Growth of M-Commerce in the EU5
As mobile and tablet adoption continues to grow exponentially worldwide, it is only logical that such devices will play an increasingly important role in the way consumers look for and purchase products and services. In…