Marketing Digest

Mobile Marketing News: Many Believe in Programmatic, But Few Use It

A recent study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) revealed that 76 percent of marketers said programmatic ads are important. So why are only 27 percent actually buying them?

AdWeek’s (@AdWeek) Lauren Johnson reported this odd trend in mobile marketing news article: “IAB Study: Mobile Marketers Are Gung-Ho About Programmatic, But Few Are Using It.” Even with “programmatic” being a buzzword in the advertising sector of late, it turns out that most don’t really understand what it is and how it works.

Contrary to popular belief, “programmatic ads” doesn’t mean they’re automatically-generated. These ads are bought using online transactions or any automated solution; an example would be real-time bidding for keywords for PPC. It’s no different from buying your musician’s brand new single from iTunes or that used digital camera from Amazon.

The reason for its growing trend, according to experts, is the change in the way online media is purchased and the way advertisers interact with the public. The reason for its snail-paced growth, however, is the availability of rich media and video ads, said Joe Laszlo, senior director of the IAB Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence.

It’s understandable why marketers would want video. Over the past several years, the Internet has provided users with quality entertainment, from viral videos to talk shows that don’t have enough capital to air on TV. Millions are subscribed to the most popular YouTube channels, and marketers want that kind of exposure.

It’s also important to know that many consumers want their videos on the go. The multifold spike in smartphone and tablet sales, as reported by Entrepreneur (@Entrepreneur) contributor Brett Relander, made it clear that mobile marketing is the future. Programmatic or not, marketers would do well to keep in mind these tips stated in his article: “4 Can’t-Miss Mobile Marketing Best Practices

Perhaps it’s too early to say that programmatic advertising might not take off as many believed it would. Give it a few more years to accumulate usage data to produce further mobile marketing insights – and marketers of the future may finally have a clear picture. Stay updated with the latest news from trusted news sites like Marketing Digest (@mktgdigest).

