Marketing Digest

Google Mobile Search Now Groups Content from Same Site into Carousels

Google Search App Now Groups Content from the Same Site into Carousels

With individuals spending more time consuming media in mobile apps at the expense of web browsers, major tech companies have gone to great pains to improve the mobile experience for users. In the same vein, Google announced an update to its mobile search display on February 19, 2015.

Moving forward, users who conduct searches on the Google Search app will see “the freshest, most relevant content from within a single website grouped together in one easy-to-scan place,” stated Ardan Arac, Product Manager for Google Search. [See Figure 1]

Figure 1 (Source: Google Inside Search)

Users who type the search query “Greece,” for example, can see the latest articles, videos, and other content about the country from The Guardian (@guardian) grouped together in a carousel. “When you search for a topic, just scroll down to see a [‘carousel’] of recent articles, videos or more on that subject. Tap any link to read or watch exactly what you’re interested in.”

Though the new feature isn’t currently available for all websites, Arac said that the carousel feature would be available for other sites in the future. Major events, like the 87th Academy Awards (@TheAcademy), will henceforth receive pertinent coverage. “Search for the Oscars in the Google app and you’ll find everything you need, from acceptance speeches to behind-the-scenes moments,” Arac observed.

