Elite Digital Marketing Agencies for 2017
In An area Near you!UNITED STATES
- Specialization: Authority Marketing, Google Positioning
Online Market Domination was founded in early 2007 to respond to the challenges that businesses face to survive and thrive in todays digital age.
Consumers have changed how they make decisions; they go online to find what they need, validate who they buy from and connect more effectively with businesses.
Our Marketing Strategies focus is on Reputation Marketing (online reviews & trust), Authority Marketing (News Releases, Online Radio Interviews, Syndicated Articles, CNN Style Video interviews, and Best Seller Author Campaigns) and Local Google Search & Maps Domination.
We have assembled a talented group of professionals who are passionate about helping business owners stay ahead of the game. Its a complicated, challenging and fast-moving environment, but we embrace it with great people, great systems and a desire to be world class in all we do. We love our profession, enjoy working with our clients and are motivated to serve.
There are bold choices, and there are easy choices. We are not for those who shrink from leading. We stand for those in the front of the line the bold, the visionary, the entrepreneurs and risk-takers. Those who surprise the world by leaping into the future. Carpe Diem! – Markus