Marketing Digest

Facebook Officially Launches the new Atlas Solutions

Atlas Rebuilds its Advertising Scheme; Puts Focus on People-Based Marketing

Facebook re-launched Atlas Solutions today after its acquisition from Microsoft in 2013. For an estimated $100 million, Facebook bought the ad platform in February of last year, which was in the process of being discharged by Microsoft at that time. Facebook saw potential in what Atlas could contribute to its advertising structure, considering that advertisers connected to Facebook use third-party apps.

Along with Facebook’s announcement, Atlas also announced a rebuild of their advertising scheme “from the ground up,” particularly with the introduction of people-based marketing. Erik Johnson, the head of Atlas, made the announcement today.

Johnson discussed the importance of people-based marketing since consumers are more technology-dependent nowadays. The purchasing process—whether it is in store or online—has also shifted over time, and has had a huge impact on consumer behavior. Furthermore, while cookies were the basis of data measurement in the past, they are not compatible with mobile browsing, making them less accurate for metrics and demographic targeting when used alone.

Atlas also introduced various methods and tools to help marketers “reach real people across devices, platforms and publishers.” Because their ad platform was restructured on a completely new code base, a new user interface was created which aimed to cater to “today’s busy media planner and traffickers.” People-based tools—such as sequential messaging, targeting, and multi-touch attribution—were introduced to aid marketers in understanding their campaigns’ incremental reach and new sales.

With the new rebuild, Atlas also intended to solve marketers’ cross-device problems by “targeting, serving and measuring across devices.” Moreover, Atlas can help marketers see the true impact of their campaigns by connecting offline sales to digital campaigns. All these lead to a “simplified client experience” and “better optimization decisions” that will help marketers effectively decide better on their marketing budgets.

Among Atlas’ partners is Omnicom, the first holding company to become an associate. Instagram also partnered with Atlas to enable ad impression measurements and verification. Some of their other partners include Kenshoo,, The Weather Company, and InMobi.

What do you think of Facebook’s re-launch of Atlas? Will Atlas’ people-based marketing be the solution to cross-device and other marketing problems? Share your insights in the Comments section below.

