Marketing Digest

Bing Ads Launches New Tablet-Related Device Targeting Updates

New Combined Tablet-Desktop Targeting Updates Now Rolling Out in Bing Ads

Back in June, Bing Ads announced that a new simplified device targeting feature was on its way. Today, the company blogged that the targeting changes, which aimed to combine both tablets and PCs into one device target, are now officially up and running. Previously, Bing made advertisers modify bids in their campaigns on PCs, mobile, and tablet devices separately [See Figure 1].

Figure 1

With the new updates, Bing now has combined all devices in the Bing Ads web interface. [See Figure 2]

Figure 2

Bing now also offers advertisers an adjusted range of bids when targeting tablets in their campaigns, allowing them to bid anywhere between +300% to -20% compared to desktop bids. In addition, Dare Obasanjo, Group Program Manager at Bing Ads Applications and Developer Platform, wrote that campaigns and ad groups that had a lower bid adjustment than the specified range before the changes have been adjusted to -20%. This means that if a campaign had a -50% bid adjustment when targeting tablets prior to the roll out, it will automatically be set to -20%.

Bing Ads had its first migration phase in September, combining desktops and tablets into a single device targeting selection in the Bing Ads Editor UI. As expected, all campaign migrations have been completed this month.

According to Bing’s June blog post, rolling out the new device targeting updates was largely because tablet and desktop users follow a very similar behavioral pattern. “We have seen that user search behavior and advertiser performance is similar between desktops and tablets on the Yahoo Bing Network,” Obasanjo said. “Given these realizations, we will be making changes to how tablet targeting works in Bing Ads.”

Bing also shared the impact these device targeting updates may have on advertisers’ campaigns [See Figure 3].

Figure 3

Bing said that they will provide more information about the second phase of their device targeting updates later this month. This succeeding phase is expected to focus on simplifying mobile device targeting in campaigns.

Users can learn more about Bing’s unified device targeting updates in their FAQ Page.

What do you think of this new device targeting feature in the Bing Ads interface? How will this help you in your campaigns? Hit us up with a comment!

